Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Portfolio Assignment 5

Scott Hommel
Portfolio Assignment #5
Twitter Article
    This week's Twitter activity went well. I already had an account set up so I only needed to find a good article and then connect with my classmates. I will say that I don't typically have conversations on Twitter, I normally use Facebook for that, so the conversing and replying directly to tweets was new for me. As far as micro-blogging sites, Facebook continually updates its layout so that it seems to be right on par with Twitter as far as the instantaneousness of the experience via the news feed.

The power of micro-blogging social networking sites is on display in the article I read about Twitter and Facebook being used to organize anti-government protests in Turkey. The Turkish government wants Twitter to establish a Turkish office so that the government will have a domestic liaison and correspondent to address their issues. Twitter is not planning on establishing an office in Turkey, nor do they have a reason to do so. 

I think it only shows how weak Turkey's government must be, if they feel so threatened by the website. Web censorship of any kind seems immoral to me, when it involves  restricting citizen communications and withholding important information. If the Turkish government was operating properly, justly, and morally, they would have nothing to hide, there would be no protests, and they would have no need to attempt web censorship. I think it's great that countries like Turkey are using web technologies to their advantage and creating real social reform in the world.

Works Cited
"Turkey Seeks to Tighten Control over Twitter." BBC News. BBC, 27 June 2013. Web. 17

     July 2013. <>.

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