Monday, July 29, 2013

Portfolio Assignment 9

Scott Hommel
Portfolio Assignment 9
     AOL co-founder Stephen M. Case started the Revolution growth fund with two former colleagues, investing $40 million in Bigcommerce. An e-commerce startup, the software of Bigcommerce "helps companies create and manage online stores." A firm believer in the future of e-commerce, Mr. Case states that "now every entrepreneur can have Amazon-like e-commerce capabilities." 
The Revolution growth fund has also invested in Optoro, a Maryland-based startup that helps brick and mortar retail shops sell unsold or returned goods online. Mr. Case and the Revolution growth fund are focused on a different type of e-commerce than B2C sites like Amazon. This article relates to the chapter 9 reading in regards to e-commerce and B2B electronic exchange. This article illustrates how far e-commerce has come, and where it might be headed in the foreseeable future.

     When I typically think of e-commerce I think of B2C sites, such as and It's interesting to read about another form of e-commerce, businesses selling to entrepreneurs and other businesses. I think Stephen Case is right, Bigcommerce may be the next big thing to hit the internet. We live in a DIY age where more and more people are starting their own businesses, selling goods online, and using resources such as Ebay and other online auction sites to earn a living. Providing these entrepreneurs with the software to create a better e-commerce experience would seem to be a very lucrative investment. I had never heard of Bigcommerce before reading this article and I'll be sure to pay attention to them and any other Revolution growth fund future endeavors in the news.

Works Cited

Alden, William. "Revolution Fund Invests $40 Million in E-Commerce Start-Up."DealBook. The New York
     Times, 25 July 2013. Web. 29 July 2013. <


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